The Evolution of Art Creationwith SUPRAPTO SURYODARMO
Creator of Joged Amerta Movement 15th-21st June, 2019 ~ The garden at Westhay, Charmouth, Dorset The Village Hall at Wootton Fitzpaine, Dorset This workshop is FULL - please go here for details of other UK workshops this summer. And see details of the workshop OPEN DAY, Conversation with Prapto and 4th WAVE. This is a wonderful opportunity to work with Prapto in Southwest England. Prapto pays attention to movement as your being rather than as something you do and this refreshing perspective offers new insights into movement as an approach to life and as an art form. The workshop will take place in a wild movement garden on the cliffs above Charmouth and in a local Arts & Crafts village hall. As Prapto says: "Joged Amerta is a movement practice that arises from the view of art. My whole approach in Joged Amerta is one of relax, of the Being Breathing and of giving time and space for blossoming. Creation is never-ending and has the quality of blossoming in the garden. I put myself in creation itself as evolution, rather than creativity being one part of evolution. Joged Amerta exists for each person to find through movement their own Being-in-Creation in the pool of life and sharing what they have, like Sharing Garden Movement." A movement question to prepare for this 7-day workshop: "Sometimes movement is flat - it has no nuance, no sensing, no impulse and our receiving of the world and of the other remains flat. How can we wake up our recognition in the pool of life, wake up our understanding, our awareness and our sensorimotor life so that we can feel not flat?" . ======================= . This workshop is full. |