The Involved Witness - Virtual Practice Day![]() This Practice Day is Full. Please email me to go on the waiting list.
Wednesday 12th August, 2020: VIRTUAL/ONLINE ONLY (ZOOM) To attend, please be available from 10.00 – 17.00 The Involved Witness - August 12 10.00 – 17.00 £30.00 We often practise being witnessed in our movement, either 1:1 or in small groups. When we do this, we hand over the role of witness to another person, so that we can move freely, knowing and feeling that we are seen. This can be healing in itself. In this Virtual Practice Day, we will try instead to cultivate a sense of our own ‘involved witness’, so we can be mover and witness in one. With attention, I can sense my own moving with the wider, changing movement (my own movement and the movement around me). The space gives me a reflection of my process through movement. This is very different from the thinking, often slightly judgemental ‘observer’, who sometimes looks down at me while I move. We shall be exploring this aspect of practice throughout the day, both on Zoom and in your own embodied environments. You can book in as one person, or book 2 or more people who will work together in the same physical space for the day, as well as working with the wider group through Zoom. Maximum: 12 people CostsCost: £30.00
Although the costs of a virtual workshop are significantly lower than usual, there is more work than usual in imagining, preparing and holding the creative process before and during the event. Book a place now
Who or what is the witness; and what is he / she / it actually doing – and where?
Sandra took a really innovative approach to bringing this concept to life, by getting us to assume (purely through movement) three roles: “doer”; witness; and meta-witness (the one who watches the witness). This formed the basis of a lively, creative, movement-based session. It was hugely enjoyable, and definitely broke the ice and got us all warmed up and interacting for the day ahead. The role play (if that’s the correct word for it) acted as a brilliant physical expression of the different layers of consciousness involved in mindfulness. We explored identifying with and acting out each of the three roles in turn, and then feeding back in smaller groups and to the whole room." (Read the full review of this workshop) |