What Workshop Participants Have SaidHere are some of the comments from Move into Life® workshop participants, reprinted with their permission and with my thanks!
"There is a clarity and simplicity in Sandra Reeve's teaching that enables even the most desk- and mind-bound of participants to leave behind any habitual sense of physical awkwardness and explore their body in space like a three-year old." "Sandra Reeve is an expert practitioner with an extraordinary capacity for triggering the healing process. One of the principles of Move into Life is to ‘see people from blossoming’. Sandra lives this ethic to her core. I and others leave her sessions blooming." "... the beauty of movement is that it bypasses the verbal, so let it be enough to say that working with Sandra invariably leaves me feeling energised and all of a piece. And it is fun!" "The degree of stimulus and the depth of reflective-ness I am left with after the completion of the workshop is testimony to the exquisite quality and richness of the work. I can sincerely say I find this work transformational." "There is something about putting my body 'out there', letting it be in charge, allowing imagination to flow direct from spirit to limbs that I find transforming. I can do that by myself of course but I suspect that working with and being witnessed by people on the same journey is the source of much of the power of this experience." "Sandra offers a rare space in which to rest, explore and revel in simply being who we are, through movement and stillness, all held safely, with integrity and a discerning, yet non-judgmental eye to help call forth what is needing to be expressed in the moment." "I find that through this work I am beginning to inhabit my own body, to feel at home there and to be comfortable with who I am! " "Invited to move more slowly, I discover that (for example) my foot does not necessarily land where I had intended, expected and told it to. A new world opens up." "This weekend I was reminded that when I wander home again after work, if I give myself to it, I can choose to feel as alive and present as I do when my body is in dance. This wisdom has really re-connected me to my mindfulness practice and was a welcome and unexpected outcome of the workshop." "I would describe Move into Life as an immersion in movement which awakens patterns of behaviour but also reveals new ways of being in the world through contact with myself, others and the environment." "These 2 weekends have been a breath of fresh air in my busy life, away from the hustle and bustle of a full on job and many demanding personalities who frequently clash. Moving like this saves my sanity, and also gives me a chance to focus on my all round health and aspirations for the long term. In this busy world I feel I am better off if I can understand myself and how I interact with others, so that I have more choices and flexibility in how I live and work, or at least in my attitudes to them. Ultimately this gives me more freedom and enjoyment, and also more friendships and better relationships with people I want to know and even those I would prefer not to but can’t avoid!" "My first experience in this work with Sandra Reeve was such a powerful and basic lesson for me that my mind still reels from the experience. That lesson was to find the measure and rhythm of my own step... it comes to mind daily and calls me back to my reality..." "Fun, inspiration, clarity, understanding, relationship, space." "I have come home feeling incredibly restored - feeling so much 'in the present' I can scarcely believe it. Such a sense of liberation." "It allows a fullness of expression which words do not allow, and forms can stifle. It has been a barometer of my development without being invasive or over serious. It is a great joy." "Moving in nature seems to awaken my senses in a way I rarely experience indoors. My sense of sight, touch, smell, taste and hearing are involved. As are my body sensations and movement and my emotions and thoughts. All are congruous, alive, open and responsive to the moment by moment changes that are occurring in me and in the environment. I feel a deep sense of inter-being with my environment." "Environmental Constellations is a extraordinarily supple (and subtle) approach, as well-suited to illuminating intimate and personal situations as it is to revealing the dynamics of multi-layered business, legal, diplomatic and cultural situations." "Move Into Life makes me do just that. The movement practice enables me to experience thoughts, feelings and physical sensations more clearly. For me it is connected with freedom and joy; a way to realize what life is and can be like." "I am always impressed that people come from different disciplines and gain differently from your courses." |
From a blog by Eline Kieft
"BPS – Body Positioning System During a retreat with Sandra Reeve at Coventry University (March 2016), I explored concepts of orientation, location, and direction. I realised that moving for me is an act of locating myself in various conditions and unfolding layers, like a Body Positioning System (BPS). Where am I, in relation to this, and this, and this (inside- outside; concrete-abstract; seen-unseen, past-present-future). My body positions itself, or rather, through my body moving I become aware of my position ‘in relation to’ x,y,z; a position which is explored through concrete exercises, haphazard thoughts, and spontaneous encounters, as well as through metaphors and imagery. Where GPS only needs to know where you are (present), and where you are going (future), the BPS also acknowledges where you came from (history, past)... The retreat included led and unled movement, alone and with others, in the studio, in a park, a city square, on the pavement, in an age-old ruin. Some of Reeve’s invitations included to move with an awareness of angle/line/point, transition/position, proportion. Also, her concept of ‘affordance’ was useful to shift focus: what unique experience do spaces ‘afford’ you, give you? This cultivates a receptivity rather than a doing, as well as a dynamic understanding that the view from where you happen to be looking/feeling/experiencing is truly unique – no phenomenon looks the same from a different height, angle, or from a different pair of eyes. Aside from presence, we also looked at absence, seeing what is not here, who is not here, and what aspects of ourselves are not present in this moment? The moving body becomes an antenna, a permeating membrane, connecting, layering everything, all of us and all of time, in a seamless multi-dimensional whole. Perhaps the BPS is ‘only’ the first step, as we are so much more than body, and we could rather speak of movement as a Timeless Multidimensional Positioning System, an exploration of boundaries and meeting, here, there, where? It is an ongoing becoming, a becoming familiar with the territoire of being human, spirit in body, in space, now, eternal." Read the full post Follow these links or the menu at the top of the page:
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