PhD Thesis: The Ecological Body ~ extracts
The Ecological BodyMovement is a key aspect of the ecological body, which distinguishes itself from the environmental body by viewing the world from motion rather than stasis and by experiencing its changing self as a changing system among other environmental systems.
An ecological body, I suggest, is an immanent, co-creating, moving body: a body constantly becoming within a changing environment, where the body and the spaces in between and around bodies are considered as equally dynamic. Body and environment, I suggest, co-create each other through mutual influence and interactional shaping. The ecological body is situated in movement itself and as a system dancing within systems, rather than as an isolated unit. The ecological body perceives the moving world through movement and experiences herself as one part of a changing situation. The ecological body is situated in flux, participation and change. The changing body/soma experienced through movement as part of the changing environment challenges any fixed and deterministic notion of self and stimulates a different sense of self, self as process, participating in the movement of life . |
Thesis pages